231 Organisation Model and Code of Ethics

Aware of the need to ensure fair and transparent conditions when conducting its business, Rail Hub Europe S.p.A. has adopted an Organisation, Management and Control Model pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree no. 231/2001.

The Model aims to represent the system of rules and the code of conduct governing the company’s activities, as well as additional measures adopted to prevent the crimes and administrative offences set out in Legislative Decree no. 231/2001, in accordance with corporate governance and the system for allocating functions and delegating powers.

Code of Ethics

In the context of verifying compliance of the internal organisation and control system pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001, the Company has deemed it opportune to compile and publish the rules and principles of ethics and conduct, which have characterised the Company’s relations with its own personnel and with third parties since its founding, and which characterise the company’s operations generally.

These principles are set out in the Code of Ethics, for which the Company continues, as it has always done, to promote spontaneous sharing, observation and dissemination and for which it actively requires observance and application by all individuals operating on behalf of Rail Hub Europe S.p.A. or engaging with it, also applying disciplinary and contractual penalties for any breaches.

Code of Ethics

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